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  1. #1

    Default Limited Supply Remaining on Escort Redline and Escort Redline XR

    RadarBusters has acquired some of the remaining Escort Redlines.

    We have a limited supply and more Redlines will no longer be available.

    Get them while you can because once they're gone, they're gone for good.

    Escort Redline:

    Escort Redline XR:

    Discounted bundles are also available.

    Drive safe, drive smart, but most importantly drive protected!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Limited Supply Remaining on Escort Redline and Escort Redline XR

    Quote Originally Posted by RadarBusters View Post
    RadarBusters has acquired some of the remaining Escort Redlines.

    We have a limited supply and more Redlines will no longer be available.

    Get them while you can because once they're gone, they're gone for good.

    Escort Redline:

    Escort Redline XR:

    Discounted bundles are also available.
    What are the differences between the Redline and Redline XR. When I called Escort, they said there is no Redline XR. They stated that the XR is just a regular Redline where the specific settings are adjusted.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Limited Supply Remaining on Escort Redline and Escort Redline XR

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomNBye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarBusters View Post
    RadarBusters has acquired some of the remaining Escort Redlines.

    We have a limited supply and more Redlines will no longer be available.

    Get them while you can because once they're gone, they're gone for good.

    Escort Redline:

    Escort Redline XR:

    Discounted bundles are also available.
    What are the differences between the Redline and Redline XR. When I called Escort, they said there is no Redline XR. They stated that the XR is just a regular Redline where the specific settings are adjusted.
    A Redline XR is a custom programmed Redline that offers "extreme performance."

    Another retailer online started offering the custom programming services and inventing the name Redline XR and were charging $100 for the service. Roy felt is was more appropriate to provide the service for free as a way of saying thanks for being a RadarBusters customer. We have been providing them ever since.

    Drive safe, drive smart, but most importantly drive protected!



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