I noticed that the 905 model has two laser diodes that are different in appearance, does anyone know why? Is it possible that they are for different wavelengths?
I noticed that the 905 model has two laser diodes that are different in appearance, does anyone know why? Is it possible that they are for different wavelengths?
There aren't two laser diodes. One is a laer diode, the other is a LED diode. The LED diode provides a more divergent transmit beam.
Most laser diodes beam is more eliptical than circular. The jammer companies have generally oriented the diode such that the beam is wider than tall. The use of LED helps to give additional vertical protection.
You misunderstand the concept of using both!RadarGeek IS correct.
It is not about "overcoming" the Original pulse,it is all about "seeing" the pulse in the first place.You also forget about the "inverse-distance square law".The Lidar pulse has to make two (2) trips--"out" & "return".
The Blinder only has to make ONE (1) trip to the Lidar gun.
Plus don't forget...the EMF wavefront is ever expanding in divergence w/ each foot of distance traveling which greatly dissipates its strength over the full total distance.
It is also my understanding that the LED in the HP905's are used in parking assist, the laser diode remains off for parking, which is a good thing.
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