Greetings All!,
It has been a long time since I was here...I need and am looking for two(2) M20 BLINDER heads....Yeah, a bit antiquated I know but, oh well....
I went to test the unit the other day when I was removing them to put in a LASER MASK I purchased years ago as a back up (thread for problem with those is here:
( post #17 ) and found that the BLINDER was not working at all but, would self check.
After I removed them from the car, I installed the factory box sealed LASER MASK only to find that those POS's WERE DEAD RIGHT FROM THE BOX!....I cannot find them on the net at all and suspect they ran away!
Back to the BLINDER M20...Not knowing if the head(s) were bad or the brain was bad with no way to segregate the problem, I forgot that I had an identical unit in my other car!....So, I tested the other unit and found everything works and substituted the "suspect" brain with the existing heads and found that the brain is GOOD. I tested the removed heads with the existing known good brain and found the heads bad.....
What have we learned here class?...The 2 heads on my other car are defective (1 went bad a few years back) and the brain is good.
I am looking for TWO (2) M20 Extreme heads - anyone have any to part with?
Anyone know the status of the manufacturers of the LASER MASK"?
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