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  1. #1

    Default Passport 8500 X50 - should I get?

    I have an opportunity to get the 8500 X50 - the guy says its brand new but how can I tell its the newest model?
    I am familiar with the Beltronics where they have a manufacturing date on the there such for the 8500 X50?
    Also, how would the X50 compare to the Beltronics 995? Better or should I stick with the 995?

  2. #2
    Speed Demon
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    Jan 2009
    Ballinger, Texas

    Default Re: Passport 8500 X50 - should I get?

    the x50 compares to bels rx-65..thats what i have been told and seen. as for the date and everything, i couldnt tell you.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Passport 8500 X50 - should I get?

    WOW, so the 8500 is much better than the 995?
    Does anyone know how I can tell how new the unit is?

  4. #4
    Speed Demon
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    Jan 2009
    Ballinger, Texas

    Default Re: Passport 8500 X50 - should I get?

    how dont know how much better, but it depends on the person really..if i were you looking for a upgrade, i would spend some extra and get a v1.its only like 20 bucks more than the rx-65..the only reson i got mine is because CC was going out of

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Passport 8500 X50 - should I get?

    Quote Originally Posted by hipertec View Post
    WOW, so the 8500 is much better than the 995?
    Does anyone know how I can tell how new the unit is?
    Yes its better, probably the best mid priced unit.

    Check the serial # and build date on the sticker.

  6. #6
    Radar Fanatic
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    Jan 2008

    Default Re: Passport 8500 X50 - should I get?

    In performance, the Vector 940/955/995, RX65, and Escort 8500 X50 are about the same. I don't think you'll see any improvement in performance going from a 995 to an 8500 X50, just a few extra features like tones and display options.

  7. #7
    Good Citizen
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    Default Re: Passport 8500 X50 - should I get?

    Quote Originally Posted by hipertec View Post
    I have an opportunity to get the 8500 X50 - the guy says its brand new but how can I tell its the newest model?
    I am familiar with the Beltronics where they have a manufacturing date on the there such for the 8500 X50?
    Also, how would the X50 compare to the Beltronics 995? Better or should I stick with the 995?

    Go for it and get it if he's willing to sell at a reasonable price. Do you know the guy? Make sure the unit has a serial label at the bottom.

    You can tell the manufacturing date by the last 4 digits in the serial. For example '3904' would mean it was manufactured on the 39th week of 2004.

    Rev 5's an older have the older S7 horn which have the FCC ID: QKL8500.

    Newer versions are 6.1 and up and have the M4 horn which have the FCC ID: QKLX5M4.

    I like the ramp up of the Escorts better than the Beltronics detectors. Granted I have only owned the Rev 5 X50's which many believe to have 'perfect' ramp-up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Passport 8500 X50 - should I get?

    Escort is selling referb 8500x50's S7 Rev5's for just over $200 on eBay i believe.



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