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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    Hello all!!

    I am looking forward to installing a shifter after I got burnt by greedy two NYS po-po while on vacation (Going 75 on 65 limit.. Ridiculous but they stopped me for that!! V1 didn't help as all the po-po there use lider). So, I was looking around and found those three combination would fit me well. I will install myself and only looking for front coverage for laser.

    I assume laser shifting capacity would be identical. So the question is radar coverage and price. Price appears SRX is the cheapest, which I can get for about $ 510. The other two would cost me about $ 750~$ 800. Also, I prefer the clean look after installation. I am leaning towards SRX for obvious reason, the most inexpensive, as long as installation and coverage is reasonable on par with the rest.

    Which one would you recommend for laser newbie? Thanks in advance!!
    Last edited by kdkpsj; 08-20-2010 at 08:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Yoda of Radar
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    Los Angeles Area

    Default Re: Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    What kind of car is this going on? The ZR4s are weak performing jammers that may or may not work, depending on the car's lidar profile. Here are the results from the last GoL laser jammer test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    It's gonna be on dark gray G37 Coupe (That's why I am not going to have rear protection, btw, because of its rear shape, rear protection will be less effective and I will just cross my finger). I will cover front license with laser shield, and headlight may be covered by Veil if needed.

    I am not that much of speeder to begin with anyway. I am not expecting a complete jamming, and in fact, I don't want it.

  4. #4
    Radar Fanatic
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    on the highways

    Default Re: Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    Get a real jammer like the blinder or interceptor.they should work for sure.

  5. #5
    Power User
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    Default Re: Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    M27 will be ~350 and the LI Dual will be ~550. Those two will eat any other jammer.

  6. #6
    Yoda of Radar
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    Default Re: Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    Quote Originally Posted by kdkpsj View Post
    I am not expecting a complete jamming, and in fact, I don't want it.
    It doesn't work that way. If you don't have complete jamming, you have no jamming. It's like pregnancy. Either you are, or you aren't. There aren't varying degrees.

    Time to read the FAQ.

    "Buy the BEST and screw the rest." - fire65

    "im intrested to see how well you do.i never seen a car JTG before would be a first for me.." - radarrob

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    Quote Originally Posted by Solidjake View Post
    M27 will be ~350 and the LI Dual will be ~550. Those two will eat any other jammer.
    Hmm, didn't know M27 is ~350. I only see them being sold close to $ 450, but for ~350, it would be a good combo with V1!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealth Stalker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by kdkpsj View Post
    I am not expecting a complete jamming, and in fact, I don't want it.
    It doesn't work that way. If you don't have complete jamming, you have no jamming. It's like pregnancy. Either you are, or you aren't. There aren't varying degrees.

    Time to read the FAQ.
    I see! Well, I thought that with weaker jammer, I would get JTG when I get first hit at the 1000+ ft distance, I slow down (G37 has a good break for that matter :P), and then as I get closer to Leo under 1000 ft, he will be able to read my speed, which I already slowed down. I thought it would work that way and that would be good enough. I mean, how long will it take for me to slow down from 75 to 65 or even 80 to 65 (Again, I am not a speed demon)? That was my logic.
    Last edited by kdkpsj; 08-20-2010 at 10:49 AM.

  8. #8
    Yoda of Radar
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    Default Re: Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    Sorry, but logical fail. You won't get anywhere near 1000 foot performance out of a ZR4 on that car. Not to mention that most shots come around 500 feet or less. And it often takes a LOT longer than you think to slow down, because a great many people are simply taken by surprise and don't act immediately. Counting on the absolute perfect combination of rare circumstances to save you just really isn't a plan at all.

    And why are you looking at replacing the radar detector too? You already own the best. Why not put that money into matching it with the best laser jammer?

    "Buy the BEST and screw the rest." - fire65

    "im intrested to see how well you do.i never seen a car JTG before would be a first for me.." - radarrob

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealth Stalker View Post
    Sorry, but logical fail. You won't get anywhere near 1000 foot performance out of a ZR4 on that car. Not to mention that most shots come around 500 feet or less. And it often takes a LOT longer than you think to slow down, because a great many people are simply taken by surprise and don't act immediately. Counting on the absolute perfect combination of rare circumstances to save you just really isn't a plan at all.

    And why are you looking at replacing the radar detector too? You already own the best. Why not put that money into matching it with the best laser jammer?
    I see. Well, ironically, the ticket (first in my lifetime, btw) I got was from 1138 ft. Was doing 75 on 65 PSL (I mean, 10 mph over PSL on i-90.. Gimme a break), clocked by LIDAR at 1138 ft away, the Leo didn't care about my clean record or myself being new to the area out-of-state driver and gave me a ticket, tell me about rare circumstance.

    But anyway, I might just install M27. I didn't know it's cheaper than ZR4, to be honest.

  10. #10
    Yoda of Radar
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    Dallas, Texas

    Default Re: Which laser shifter to get - Qi45 + Shifter vs. SRX vs. ZR4 + 9500ix

    Yeah, I never understand these cops that write for 10 over on an Interstate freeway. Just bizarre. I might stop for that, if it's a suspicious car, but certainly not write for it. But it does illustrate how you simply have to prepare for any possibility if you want your countermeasure investment to pay off. Buying "good enough" usually just ends up costing you more than the ticket would have.

    "Buy the BEST and screw the rest." - fire65

    "im intrested to see how well you do.i never seen a car JTG before would be a first for me.." - radarrob



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