So is this consider a new improved 8500 x50 when Escort calls it the "Black"
According to their Website its new and improved and when I read the reviews its just the color and design?
I guess Im a little confused,
Can someone clear this up for me? As Im looking to replace my Trusty 7 year old Bel V995 S7 Horn which sometimes it like to give cal 3 and 7 errors when its been sitting in the heat or cold. But it still seams to be great at KA, Im freeway, Highway driver mainly in MI. It just seems like K falsest a lot anymore where I go in town or up to a store. It used to be just X years ago with any detector. So Im looking for great range and somewhat better for K falsies. So, I have my list made up of the 8500 Black x50 if I could get someone to clear me up on this from what I wrote up above. Then I have the Red line on my list, then the Bel STi Magnum, which a lot of you say its great for its nice Ramp up.
How is the Redline or STi for K falses? (I know how to use the mute and automate)
Thanks Forum Members