Wowser. Now THAT'S a comprehensive review!
I have not seen such a review on my unit (the Escort numbers, no nothin', just "Passport") and would be REALLY interested in seeing such.
Yeah...I are typically aimed at "prospective buyers", not "Well, it's too late now, Bucko!" folks, provides info as to it's abilities and limitations that serve the current owners as well.
It seems that every time I try to find such reviews independently on line for the Passport (no-middle-name) I end up looking at stuff for Redline, X50, LMNOP9500CIxR5zz1a, but never just "Passport". Whutsupwiddat? You can't even find anything by googling (other than RR's standard presentation of the unit) anywhere on line.
What...chopped liver? Where's the in-depth stuff, like you did here?
Ride safe,