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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yes, sadly, VA

    Default Ka Band Segments - Redline

    Before I segment my Redline, I gathered some Ka band readings locally. Do these look right? I don't have anything positive that I can say is the VSP. These are local Sheriff's Dept in Amherst County, VA.

    35.496 This was Lynchburg, VA police headed towards him, sitting on side of road
    35.501 This was Lynchburg, VA police, same car - same place but headed away from him 10 minutes later.
    35.669 This one stood out odd?? Maybe I looked a it "cross-eyed". I've only seen this once.
    Last edited by Vahomboy; 06-20-2015 at 10:38 AM. Reason: Added info

  2. #2
    Speed Demon
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: Ka Band Segments - Redline

    Yeah, those look like typical frequencies for a Kustom radar model, and yes-that 1 unit is high & probably hasn't been Certified or Calibrated in a long time to have drifted off center frequency like that of 35.5GHz.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ka Band Segments - Redline

    Quote Originally Posted by Vahomboy View Post
    Before I segment my Redline, I gathered some Ka band readings locally. Do these look right? I don't have anything positive that I can say is the VSP. These are local Sheriff's Dept in Amherst County, VA.

    35.496 This was Lynchburg, VA police headed towards him, sitting on side of road
    35.501 This was Lynchburg, VA police, same car - same place but headed away from him 10 minutes later.
    35.669 This one stood out odd?? Maybe I looked a it "cross-eyed". I've only seen this once.
    YEP. I had segmented my Redline with the recommended 2, 5 and 8. Then I decided to go. wide and read the frequencies. Most hits are K band. I got Ka band awhile back that did not look right, looked high. So I printed out a cheat sheet with frequencies for bands 1-10, to keep in car. Today I got hit twice two different times and frequencies in band 10 - 35.830 to 35.998. Both were in the Memphis area, once I40/I240 loop and once on service streets in a city to the East known for LEO with radar. However both time I saw no LEO. What is it? Don't know. I am leaving my REDLINE on full scan and Freq displayed. I like the expert mode and segmenting, but hate to miss a real RA segmenting. I am not sure how much segmenting helps. I already block all the other items, including X band. However if I take a highway trip that is going back on. This part of the country still has some X band LEO....



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