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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    DAB area of Florida

    Default The new Escort 360 roll-out

    In my 40+ years..I have not witnessed..more people..say and ask..some of the most incredible questions..and generally act PISSY--on a product rollout-ever, so far--in my life.! Jesus Christ people....My God folks..if you do not like something (that is not even available, yet) want to try one..SHUT UP is a grand idea.."Order one". Who cares what "The other one-does" or does not--do? I am serious...what a bunch of half-in half-out indecisive forgeries! GET A LIFE! Check out a "New Product" and just--for Gods sake--LET IT GO. YOU KNOW how these products are..they are forever changing..and always will..just like Radar/Lidar. Take a pill..See your PHD..whatever it takes..but for Christ's sake...CHILL. Everyone is IN THE aren't. Just wow....I am sorry...I just posted too..over on Escort's F B. I am serious. I am not trying to be negative but JUST DAMN! WHAT this one does..WHAT that one does...5,000 folks that apparently KNOW IT ALL. Sorry--I am just blown away. Be well....Martythemortician...

  2. #2
    Good Citizen
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: The new Escort 360 roll-out

    I don't think anyone understands what you are trying to say lol So basically your talking a bunch of rubbish about people talking up a storm on a new product. I don't get it, what's new here?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Somewhere in the back of Your Mind

    Default Re: The new Escort 360 roll-out

    Quote Originally Posted by Marty View Post
    In my 40+ years..I have not witnessed..more people..say and ask..some of the most incredible questions..and generally act PISSY--on a product rollout-ever, so far--in my life.! Jesus Christ people....My God folks..if you do not like something (that is not even available, yet) want to try one..SHUT UP is a grand idea.."Order one". Who cares what "The other one-does" or does not--do? I am serious...what a bunch of half-in half-out indecisive forgeries! GET A LIFE! Check out a "New Product" and just--for Gods sake--LET IT GO. YOU KNOW how these products are..they are forever changing..and always will..just like Radar/Lidar. Take a pill..See your PHD..whatever it takes..but for Christ's sake...CHILL. Everyone is IN THE aren't. Just wow....I am sorry...I just posted too..over on Escort's F B. I am serious. I am not trying to be negative but JUST DAMN! WHAT this one does..WHAT that one does...5,000 folks that apparently KNOW IT ALL. Sorry--I am just blown away. Be well....Martythemortician...
    What the F&^% ^ ^ ^ are you talking about in your posts MTM??? Your post confused me more than the introduction of the Max 360?? Care to elaborate on what you really mean???



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