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  1. #1

    Default New Escort Max Ci 360 and Escort Max Ci: Pre-Order with RadarBusters

    Escort updates the Escort Passport 9500ci custom installed remote mounted radar detector!

    Long overdue, but very welcomed.

    Read what the Veil Guy has learned from Escort about the two new Escort Max Ci (custom-installed) radar detectors, the Escort Max Ci 360 & Max Ci, here.

    RadarBusters is giving enthusiasts the jump on getting these models early by accepting pre-orders (without charging) for those interested in being some of the lucky early owners.
    Last edited by RadarBusters; 01-04-2017 at 12:11 PM.

    Drive safe, drive smart, but most importantly drive protected!

  2. #2
    Advanced Member
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    Default Re: New Escort Max Ci 360 and Escort Max Ci: Pre-Order with RadarBusters

    Yes, and it's only 3,500 dollars. For that I could put a suped up motor in there that i wouldn't need a detector... I could just outrun em anyway. @Laughable.

    Spectre III RDD, (2)VG2 RDD, Uniden LRD950 w/dfr7update, Uniden R7, (2) RPSE, Escort Max 2, Marksman LTI 20-20 Lidar, Ultralyte 100lr lidar, 2 Pro-Laser iii, Z-25 mph K-band w/pop 16ms, mph python iii-x band, mph python ii-k band, kustom falcon k band, Stalker ATR 34.7ghz Ka mov/sta w/remote, Laser Atlanta, stalker lz1,
    Talon Ka 35.5GhzKa, Vascar IIIC, Vascar II Plus, Vascar Plus, Kustom Pro-1000 K-band w/K55 remote better i/o, (2)K55 X-Band's, Laser Interceptor Tri Head, Cheetah C550 GPS with platinum trinity 3.0 databases, Wilson Pro 5000/little wil ant, cobra 29ltd classic, Galaxy 959b W/RF Gain SSB, (2) pro520xl, (2) Pro510xl cb, Waze via iPhone 6s/Galaxy s9, Roav C2 pro Dashcam with Sony Starvis nightview, Canon EOS7D, 1080p watchcam for roadside evidence 16Gb.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Escort Max Ci 360 and Escort Max Ci: Pre-Order with RadarBusters

    Quote Originally Posted by alpinestars_2002795 View Post
    Yes, and it's only 3,500 dollars. For that I could put a suped up motor in there that i wouldn't need a detector... I could just outrun em anyway. @Laughable.

    Definitely not for the faint of heart. LOL. But consider the space they're going to occupy, if it's the "Stinger killer" that it's suggested to be, then consider this:

    The equivalent Stinger VIP model retails at $6000 and the unit hasn't worked its issue out yet, particularly on the laser jamming front. Assuming the new Escort Max Ci and Escort Max Ci 360 provides the laser jamming performance that is at least equal to the ALP which at four heads costs $1250 and at five heads $1500, that leaves the radar and photo/GPS portion to be about $2000 alone.

    It turns out the 9500ci clocks in at $2000, but for that you only get a decent front-only jamming system and no rear-radar or jammer. Factoring all this in, the Escort Ci 360 looks to offer a lot of value for the dollar and promises to be a completely integrated system.

    Definitely more pricey than the RL360i, but Escort (like Stinger) are the only companies offering truly STEALTH (ie; undetectable by SPECTRE RDDs) systems. Discreet (hard to see) is one thing, "discreet and stealth" are entirely another.

    I would have preferred to see the front only system be priced less. I'd figure the rear radar head, good for $500 alone and the rear laser heads good for at least $350-$500, so both together (as a separate add-on to the front-only Max Ci system) to be about a $900-$1000 option. That would have suggested a price for the Max Ci front only system to be about $2495. Personally I think that would have been a better price point for that unit.

    I have been told, though, that at least when I learned of these models, the price was not necessarily set in stone. I'm lobbying them for making the Max Ci only $2500 instead of $2999, perhaps even allowing for a three optional packages. One for the rear radar add-on, one for the rear laser add-ons, and one for the both rear radar and laser add-ons. We'll see what they settle on with the next number of weeks.

    They've only just publicly announced this morning.
    Last edited by Veil Guy; 01-06-2017 at 03:48 PM.
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  4. #4
    Speed Demon
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    Default Re: New Escort Max Ci 360 and Escort Max Ci: Pre-Order with RadarBusters

    FYI: here's the link to the FCC info:



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