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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Bozeman, MT

    Default Escort Max 360c First Impressions

    I have had some time behind the wheel with the new 360c and my early impressions are favorable:

    BSM Filtering

    I am finding that the new 360c is showing the Escort has finally solidly improved their BSM filtering algorithms WITHOUT the need for TSR.

    In a number of extra urban driving, I was being pummeled by multiple K-band CAS systems including an Audi (24.08x) and GM/Caddy/Acura (24.2xx) and the 360c handled it all with great finesse.

    I initially used K2 segment on only with TSR OFF with great success. Adding K3 was just as quiet. I then tried all four segments on with TSR OFF and it did very well too, although it appeared when I encountered a genuine K band CW source (drone sign), then a 24.06x alert briefly poked through the filtering, but then quickly disappeared.

    This kind of thing can happen with other detectors, too.

    What my experiences have been leading my to believe, is that the M5/M6 platform from a hardware perspective is very solid and it really has been just a matter of software.

    It seems that the software engineers have finally turned the corner on effective BSM filtering.

    Ka-band sensitivity

    Like the original 360, the 360c seems to do very very well with 33.8 Ka, but continues to do so WHILE being interfered with K CW and K FMCW systems at the same time. One encounter showed the 360c pulled the legit signal out of the noise. Very encouraging.

    X-band sensitivity

    Looks very good. 360c alerts to the same weak X-band that typically only the M3s (and Uniden's catch). So very encouraging there as well.

    K-band sensitivity

    Also very solid as compared to my original STI-R


    Far more reasonable. Similar width to the Redline EX, slightly shorter than it.

    Magnetic Mount

    Awesome. What else can I say.


    While the display is offset quite deeply, the silver face can work against it and in very bright daylight half of the display is sometimes impacted by the reflection of the silver front bezel. Display seems brighter and more readable with the Redline EX and its black chassis lowering reflections in similar lighting conditions.

    Overall First Impression

    Looking good, so far.

    I only hope their progress on the software engineering trickles down to the rest of the detector line, which I trust it will.

    I have some videos of some encounters in the pipeline...

    Last edited by Veil Guy; 11-02-2017 at 02:47 PM.
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  2. #2

    Default Re: Escort Max 360c First Impressions




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