Various manufacturers recommend variously 2 heads on front and 2 on the rear or 3 on front and 1 on the rear. The maximum that one box will take seems to be 4, correct? So, unless one gets two cpu boxes they have to go with one or the another - although I suppose 4 on front and leaving the rear unprotected is also an option.
I have read that sometimes even just one head on front is sufficient, so seemingly one on the rear might be sufficient. The rear does not have headlights, but on the other hand usually the rear presents more vertical surface. The rear tail lights are designed to reflect light more than what's typically on the front.
I suppose the type of vehicle may influence whether you would follow the manufacturers recommendation. Large SUV's with a lot of frontal area and chrome may need the 3 (or 4) on the front. Also, the prevalence of rear shots in the areas one frequents would be a factor.
But aren't rear shots typically from closer than frontals? So wouldn't that argue for more on the rear?
Why do some recommend 2 rather than 1 on the rear? Or alternately why do some recommend 1 versus 2?
I have small, black car (BMW 335). Do y'all think 1 head on the rear will be sufficient? I believe L.I. recommends 2 on the rear (but money for toys is always a factor. My V1 has never even registered a real laser hit - I get them going through toll booths and once I think it picked up an Infiniti, so it's not like I live in Laser Land (yet).)