I agree never JTG even in states that do not have laws against Laser Jammers. It was idiots who repeatedly taunted LEO's in Texas by circling back to JTG that caused them to lobby the Texas Legislature to pass a law to ban them.
I run ALP's and have to travel through Tennessee which has a law against Laser Jammers. I always have a USB stick that is set to parking only - No detect - No Jam if I was ever pulled over. On my black Escape the heads look like OEM equipment and I have one of the BLISS / Parking Assist versions. May work or not, but at least it would make it harder to confiscate my equipment at the roadside. Trust me If I had to go to court I'd drive a rental car as my equip is legal in KY. I know I still risk a smart LEO finding them but even the cost of ALP's has paid for themselves in saved tickets so for me my risk assessment is a non moving violation and I have to buy some new ALP's. No insurance hikes & no points.
When I lived in NY i'd run my RD in VA and just didn't drive crazy enough to attract attention as they do confiscate those there. The key is don't attract attention. If you drive a Exotic car and JTG and drive recklessly you are going to get your vehicle impounded to remove your equipment before you can leave the state.
AND... For all of those who have said or who will say "just don't speed", my answer is when speed limits are set for engineering reasons and not political revenue generating reasons - and - LEO's drive the same speed they enforce on us then I say please go pound some sand. I love my family and don't drive recklessly or dangerously as I want to make it home to see them every day. LEO's consistently drive over the limit at work and off duty but "it is safe for them" and not me - baloney