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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default What is the best out there today?

    I sold my last Porsche and took off the LI that was mounted. I now own an Aston Martin and just got nailed. I don't want anymore tickets. What is the best solution these days? I think I had 8.4 heads on the LI? I'm not really sure. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    The Netherworld of the Force

    Default Re: What is the best out there today?

    ALP (Antilaser Priority) is the best out there at the present time.

    Sent from my LGL44VL using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: What is the best out there today?

    As an overall solution, I'll take the HP-905, Veil, Lasershield, the V1 or Redline, and Waze, and not look back. You get a very good defense in depth solution while saving some greenbacks.
    Last edited by Veil Guy; 07-18-2016 at 06:25 PM. Reason: clarification
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Netherworld of the Force

    Default Re: What is the best out there today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    I'll take the HP-905, Veil, Lasershield, the V1 or Redline, and Waze, and not look back.
    OK then.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: What is the best out there today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Qui-Gon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    I'll take the HP-905, Veil, Lasershield, the V1 or Redline, and Waze, and not look back.
    OK then.
    I'm entitled to an opinion, aren't I?
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

    Stay informed with the latest industry news and product reviews Veil Guy's Radar Detector Reviews.

    Experience real-world encounters as they actually happened on the open road, from the pioneer of this bonafide real-world testing format. Visit Veil Guy's radar detector videos.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Anchorage, Alaska

    Default Re: What is the best out there today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Qui-Gon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    I'll take the HP-905, Veil, Lasershield, the V1 or Redline, and Waze, and not look back.
    OK then.
    I'm entitled to an opinion, aren't I?
    Yes you are but at least give the man answers that will benifit him to the fullest and the 905's or LI dont even come remotley close to what the ALP offers in jamming capability--- I do agree with the Redline!
    All he needs to be protected from EVERY laser gun is a 3F/2R setup of ALP's, he will not need the others suff IE:Veil, Lasershield,
    Last edited by Holla; 07-18-2016 at 06:49 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: What is the best out there today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Holla View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Qui-Gon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    I'll take the HP-905, Veil, Lasershield, the V1 or Redline, and Waze, and not look back.
    OK then.
    I'm entitled to an opinion, aren't I?
    Yes you are but at least give the man answers that will benifit him to the fullest and the 905's or LI dont even come remotley close to what the ALP offers in jamming capability--- I do agree with the Redline!
    All he needs to be protected from EVERY laser gun is a 3F/2R setup of ALP's, he will not need the others suff IE:Veil, Lasershield,
    I thought I did, I was suggesting an overall all approach with should prove superior to any one. As capable as the ALPs, they are not perfect. It comes down to percentages:

    If the ALP has the ability to jam one or two particular versions of one manufacturers gun over the other jammer companies in certain targeting scenarios, how often does that (has that) happened in the real-world with owners of all of the laser jammers out there?

    More importantly, I've also have seen IPTs with all jammers (including the ALP) occur over time due to algo changes from the lidar guns, head alignment issues, any host of situations where things are not 100% effective. What do you say to someone when an IPT occurs? That you can't benefit from other CMs to put into the mix? That one product can do it all? I simply don't agree and that's been my position as far back as I can remember.

    How about off-axis shots, overhead shots, dips in the road, etc? I've certainly seen jammers (even the ALPs) have issues jamming in those situations even though such results have not, generally, been published (like the testing the AZ shootout last year).

    In all of the driving I have done with such a DiD setup, and I drive very fast most of the time on the highways, I have yet to have that DiD approach fail me. Not once.

    Could it happen? I suppose. It just hasn't yet. Also, do we actually know and have tested EVERY single iteration of firmware in existence across all the lidar manufacturers to know how all the jammers do with every one of them? I understand that the ALP is struggling with dealing with at least three firmware versions of the DE. How often they appear in the wild, I can't say.

    Finally the general consensus of the ALP owners seems to suggest a quint version (5 heads). That ain't a cheap solution and I would argue that a lesser number of heads and the other components of a DiD approach could offer a greater level of protection across a greater number of different targeting scenarios.

    I would tend to agree that the ALP as the sole CM (in a 5 head configuration) would provide a greater level of protection against the several firmware versions of the guns that exist, but I personally don't believe in a single CM approach. Never have and such was the intent of my response.

    Last edited by RadarBusters; 07-23-2016 at 11:22 AM. Reason: softened tone at admin's request.
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

    Stay informed with the latest industry news and product reviews Veil Guy's Radar Detector Reviews.

    Experience real-world encounters as they actually happened on the open road, from the pioneer of this bonafide real-world testing format. Visit Veil Guy's radar detector videos.

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  8. #8
    Power User
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    Default Re: What is the best out there today?

    OP, you don't want to get the Blinder, Veil, or Lasershield. Blinder never gets updates and are not top notch. Veil is well, my mama told me, if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all. There is another radar detector forum out there that has done testing with this stuff and it doesn't protect you. I've tested a Lasershield with a guy in NE and it didn't do anything against my 3 LIDAR guns. Why? Because there are plenty of other things to reflect the LIDAR beam back to the gun. And if I get banned for my response, you'll have to look real hard as to why.
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Qui-Gon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    I'll take the HP-905, Veil, Lasershield, the V1 or Redline, and Waze, and not look back.
    OK then.
    I'm entitled to an opinion, aren't I?
    Opinions are one thing and facts are another.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: What is the best out there today?

    Quote Originally Posted by protias View Post
    OP, you don't want to get the Blinder, Veil, or Lasershield. Blinder never gets updates and are not top notch. Veil is well, my mama told me, if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all. There is another radar detector forum out there that has done testing with this stuff and it doesn't protect you. I've tested a Lasershield with a guy in NE and it didn't do anything against my 3 LIDAR guns. Why? Because there are plenty of other things to reflect the LIDAR beam back to the gun. And if I get banned for my response, you'll have to look real hard as to why.
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Qui-Gon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    I'll take the HP-905, Veil, Lasershield, the V1 or Redline, and Waze, and not look back.
    OK then.
    I'm entitled to an opinion, aren't I?
    Opinions are one thing and facts are another.
    You are quite right, facts do matter.

    Consider the following:

    1) With respect to the ALP. By RALETC's own published results at varying tests, it suffered from IPTs from the LTI Truespeed SX. Instant punch throughs are not good things because they happen regardless of the distances shot, even when they are very far away. In yet a previous test, the demonstrated 17 PTs of varying distance. In yet another test, with one vehicle the ALP had 4 PTs when pitted against three different DEs. At the same testing the ALP managed an 82.9%, 69.%, 82.4%, 83.1%, 72%, 66.7%, 66.3% effectiveness respectively, hardly a perfect showing. With one individual's LI setup, it was acknowledged that results were more effective against the guns presented when Veil was added into the mix. So the point is, that while the ALP showed the best in most of these cases (although different cars were used for these tests), it goes to show that its not a foolproof solution and that a defense in depth approach will certainly help. Anyone willing to spend $1500 plus the cost of installation on ONE CM, could certainly improve their overall performance with the inclusion of other "passive" CMs.

    2) At the AZ shootout, certain results were not publicly released, one gun was not used because it was found to tear up the ALP and others. There were particularly consistent PTs across all the jammers occurred and different guns, on the test vehicle when it went over a dip in the road, which goes to show that jammers generally have to be dead-on facing toward the gun in a narrow range of off-axis which these tests are conducted, ie; the most favorable for the jammers. As the cosign angles increase either to the side or from overhead, jamming efficiency drops significantly.

    3) Certain departments are being trained to specifically target in a manner that can defeat or seriously impact the performance of jammers to the negative. Just don't expect to see those results.

    4) These contrived tests aren't representative of the way most targeting is conducted by traffic enforcement today, which in some cases could favor the jammer and in others favor the lidar operator.

    5) Certainly the use of a lasershield as the sole CM is not sufficient, given other reflective areas of any given vehicle, namely its headlights and foglights. So adding additional layers of protection can help, clearly. To suggest otherwise is simply being disingenuous.

    6) Every encounter that I experienced, every single one was basically a handheld laser gun, some were steadied. Not one occurred with the use of a tripod.

    7) You are certainly entitled (as others) to assert that Veil is entirely ineffective, but the facts speak otherwise. I have a series of examples that were just documented the last several weeks in MD where I believe the DE is being used in the mix of lidar enforcement.

    The RAW and unedited videos are below and demonstrate beyond any doubt that my company's product can work extremely effectively of actually allowing drivers to avoid speeding tickets using Veil only. And these results weren't accumulated on a Corvette, they happened with a silver BMW 540i and a red Subaru Legacy.

    Real-World Stealth Veil Police Laser Encounters: June-July, 2016

    In at least four examples I was speeding and at speeds that would have certainly resulted in healthy speeding tickets: completely surprising ambush at 80 in a 55 zone (an encounter that would have been difficult for a jammer to defeat at the initial time of targeting given the off-axis pointing of the vehicle relative to the operator in both horizontal and vertical directions. The others at 74 in a 55, 70 in a 55, and 45 in a 30.

    These encounters were especially lethal because the lidar operator was not in plain view. At least a <500 feet it is likely that the officer would be spotted by an attentive driver. And finally one other encounter initially happened at close range (more off-axis too) and the officer still had to shoot me twice. Any honest unbiased assessment can come to the conclusion that Veil was very effective and allowed me to escape four speeding tickets, more than paying for the $98 dollar investment.

    A couple of more facts:

    a) You can expect more improvements of future generations on a number of levels.
    b) I stand by my company's product and personally test it in the REAL-WORLD where it really counts, not just in contrived test environments.
    c) Many of the Veil haters haven't even used it in the real-world.
    d) And in closing, there have been VERY FEW experiences presented by Veil owners or other DiD passive users have actually received tickets using the product.

    Last edited by RadarBusters; 07-23-2016 at 11:20 AM. Reason: softened tone at request of admin
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

    Stay informed with the latest industry news and product reviews Veil Guy's Radar Detector Reviews.

    Experience real-world encounters as they actually happened on the open road, from the pioneer of this bonafide real-world testing format. Visit Veil Guy's radar detector videos.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: What is the best out there today?

    Quote Originally Posted by deckman View Post
    I sold my last Porsche and took off the LI that was mounted. I now own an Aston Martin and just got nailed. I don't want anymore tickets. What is the best solution these days? I think I had 8.4 heads on the LI? I'm not really sure. Thanks.
    deckman and anyone else reading this. Please do not take the advice of someone who has a vested interest in selling the counter measures he mentioned. The best lidar jammer on the market today is simply the ALP. However, the person who recommended the other products lost his ability to sell the ALP, and therefore is "guiding" you in another direction. There are websites that offer real unbiased information based on facts, however this one is NOT one of them. of ALP, however, he does not censor any information on his site, even if it's negative information of his products, which is extremely rare to begin with. He will always give his honest opinion, and will even steer you to another product if it's the best match for you. As for Veil, please read up on it Before putting that stuff on your car.

    I suspect I'll be banned and this post edited or deleted, but the truth is the truth.
    Last edited by RadarBusters; 07-22-2016 at 11:18 AM. Reason: rules violation: #9



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