Looks great, I'm pulling all my lights out next weekend and airbrushing Veil on myself.
Great job!!!
Looks great, I'm pulling all my lights out next weekend and airbrushing Veil on myself.
Great job!!!
Valentine One (3.858 Ice Cream Truck, 3.812 in Vette)
4 Head LI (On Vette) (7.11 CPU Regular heads front, HP Heads on the rear)
9500ci (On Vette)
LI Quad (On Ice Cream Truck)
LI Dual (On SRX, 7.06 CPU)
ProLaser II, ProLaser III, Stalker LZ-1, LTI Marksman & Laser Atlanta "R" (looking for an Ultralyte LRB)
2008 Corvette Z-51 Coupe
Escort 9500 ix (Cadillac SRX)
It is so annoying that I can't see the images until I have 15 posts...
BTW, why didn't you just clean the airbrush to continue using it? Sounds like you were having good results with the airbrush until it clogged?
Last edited by 904nm; 06-06-2009 at 12:17 AM.
I am curious, does veil decrease the visible light coming out of the headlights once it is applied? I have considered veil, but I have zenons and absolutely love the way they light up the road and wouldn't want to do anything that would diminish the "daylike" driving they allow me to have. I have also seen some veil jobs that looked miserable (I do not have enough posts to view your pics), but I would be more interested in spraying (to acheive better uniformity) than brushing.
Yes. Anything over your headlights does that, even if it's clear. But airbrushed uniformly over a headlight, it is not even noticeable. Too many people over-apply Veil, specifically looking for a smoking effect.
But unless you get a sub-standard jammer, Veil may not even be necessary for you.
I am looking at an LI dual head system for a 3 series BMW. I would also like to participate and have it tested in the greater Dallas area once installed.
If done right you dont notice it. Mine was done with the brush because my air sprayer jammed and was able to do it with brushes in an airbrush manner. I have not noticed and drop in light out put form the HL's at night.
Also I will let more senior members correct me if I wrong but I thought you were NOT suppose to Veil any sort of HID lights, which his xenons would be correct? The HID wavelength by itself does interfere with a lidar gun slightly, this thread points to that effect. (Atlanta Laser Testing 3/21)
I am curious to what Mem-Tek was trying to say when he said "unless you get a substandard jammer, Veil may not even be necessary for you"
Please elaborate
More or less, if you have a good jammer, you won't need Veil. You can still put it on to help the over all laser profile, but you shouldn't need it.
If you have a crappy jammer (or a poorly paired one), you probably need Veil.
That is not correct. Headlight housings are reflective, regardless of whether they are HID or not. The point of Veil is to neutralise that reflectivity.
Laser Jammer FAQ.The HID wavelength by itself does interfere with a lidar gun slightly, this thread points to that effect. (Atlanta Laser Testing 3/21)
This is NOT to be assumed. It is something that SOMETIMES occurs on SOME cars with SOME kinds of HID headlights, under SOME circumstances. HIDs are NOT to be assumed to give you any interference effect whatsoever until you have proven it beyond any doubt whatsoever on YOUR car, not someone in Atlanta's car.
That explains it better than I did. You can have a fine jammer and still need Veil, if that jammer was not well paired with the needs of your car, or was poorly installed. But if you have chosen the most appropriate jammer for your car, and properly installed it, then you should not need Veil. It is still highly recommended though, because there is no such thing as "good enough" protection.