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  1. #1

    Default Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    I'm kind of amazed that there has not been any field testing on eliminating all front end hot spots on a car, via temp flat black paint or using flat black fabric wrap around the front and top of the hood etc. No matter how ghetto it looks. It be neat to see what the results would be.

  2. #2
    Radar Fanatic
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    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    It has been done, you just didn't see it. It all helps, but you still need parking sensors for full protection.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    yeah, It be really cool to see some documented video footage of this being done. As it stands, I have not seen any videos past or present that really even closely resemble going fully stealth. I'm talking about going all the way, including covering windshield wiper arms, front grills if need be, your front hood, Mirrors etc. There would be a lengthy amount of prep time to really do just that. But the results would be quite interesting.
    Last edited by whistlerfan; 03-20-2012 at 07:53 PM.

  4. #4
    Good Citizen
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    Default Re: Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    the time and money spent on that would be a big waste. Might as well buy jammers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    more and more states are specifically outlawing then, and some of the penalties, i understand, can be pretty stiff. just keep that in mind guys and know your state's specific penalties if and when you are caught using them.
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    I totally agree Veil Guy.

    I do have a "parking sensor" but a parking sensor is not the end all there is still PT. All it takes is one time driving along get shot with laser and that LEO gets PT and your dead. You get a Big Fat ticket handed your way. Veil offers good to great protection. But still your only as good as the nearest hot spot on your car. I think you can't always count on the LEO constantly shooting at the lic or the headlights. The Lidar gun is gonna move around allot more in a non testing environment. One hot spot surface or PT and they have just cut through all defenses in a split second. Going back to my original post on this thread. Eliminating all reflective surfaces on a car. Via fabric, temp flat black paint or whatever. Would be a interesting field test which has not been done via a documented video.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    Would be fun to see a lambo or a ferrari with veil tested.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    Unless you drive an ugly all flat black car with all lights covered and no license plate in the front you are bound to get nailed. But if they do not write you a ticket for speeding the ticket you get for no visible turn signals or worse, if shot from the rear, the lack of a plate, brake lights and signal lights is going to hurt a lot worse than a speeding ticket. And since the car will be flat black and ugly you are not going to hide very well in a group of cars going down the road.

  9. #9
    Yoda of Radar
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    Los Angeles Area

    Default Re: Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    Quote Originally Posted by strangeknight View Post
    Unless you drive an ugly all flat black car with all lights covered and no license plate in the front you are bound to get nailed. But if they do not write you a ticket for speeding the ticket you get for no visible turn signals or worse, if shot from the rear, the lack of a plate, brake lights and signal lights is going to hurt a lot worse than a speeding ticket. And since the car will be flat black and ugly you are not going to hide very well in a group of cars going down the road.
    Even a car like you describe is very easy to get a speed reading on if it doesn't have a jammer installed. I can easily get a speed reading on a person walking down the street in a black sweatshirt at 1000ft. That's far less reflective than a flat black car.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Fully Stealthing a Car no testing????

    do you have video documentation of that. If I see it I will believe it otherwise well you know. Because the way I see it. Up to this point we have had little video documentation when it comes to non reflective or non retro reflective stealthing and then testing. Don't bring up Veil test videos. Veil has shown highly variable results. Which i believe is partially to blame for hot spots being on the car. The importance of this is if stealthing doesn't work then parking sensors are at risk of PT and if PT exist no matter how remote it is it only takes one time to get nailed.
    Last edited by whistlerfan; 04-02-2012 at 11:16 AM.



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