Which is more important to you.
Lightness of Veil coating (noticeability factor) or absolute performance?
Which is more important to you.
Lightness of Veil coating (noticeability factor) or absolute performance?
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Hoping you will have a veil film available,since applying or removing seems a pain.
Last edited by stockey; 01-14-2013 at 12:06 AM.
Films can be a pain in the a$$ to. Air bubbles, small insects all tend to have a way of finding themselves stuck behind the film. At least that been my experience.
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Thanks. Yes. But there are now three forums. Some information is bound to be found on all of them and if you didn't know, I have participated and will continue to do so.
Laser Interceptor
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Bob, I was present at the G5 introduction online. Q: Why did you choose to test on two C7 Vettes (one black/one red) when its pretty apparent that they are hard(er) to acquire on a DET-C or any other lidar unit than practically any other car?? Plus, one of the C7s was black, even making it harder to capture the speed with lidar? Were any other cars/SUVs tested to see how G5 performs against those "larger" vehicles with a greater lidar cross section?? Any numbers on those vehicles??
Well, first I wasn't even aware that Ted was going to be at Roy's test and also didn't know that he had a C7 also.
As it turned out, the information was USEFUL to me as one, it was the first test that allowed us to compare two identical cars with the exception of a color change. This was helpful to understand how much color had an impact on the car. If I am correct, it appeared that in some cases the differences amounted to about 15-20 percent.
Second, Veil has traditionally been tested against very POOR (ie; tough to beat with any countermeasure especially a passive one). All you have to do is go back to any GOL test of the past or RALETC's own tests of my big metallic sedan with lots of curves in the front. This car is very hard to cloak with a passive and not so easy for an active either. So, in my mind, there are a bunch of tests with less than optimal cars.
The C7's turned out to be wonderful examples of the POTENTIAL of Veil doing its job. With the headlights exposed (untreated) the readings were able to be determined at basically the limit of Roy's venue. At the RALETC's course speed readings were obtainable in the 4000 foot range (basically the limit of their course) with the latest optically superior guns. In fact readings from a great distance could be obtained from joggers wearing black sweats. That's how sensitive they are. The RALETC results have been published and are easily found. FOX in the HOLE had a blue subaru and he had one stealth-to-gun (STG) run when his LI's failed to perform against one of the newer guns. You could try to use Veil as a solitary product on a large white or metallic silver Escalade or a 747 Jumbo Jet and of course your results would stink. Does this mean that Veil doesn't work? Hardly. Veil is extremely effective on areas that are treated with it. As a passive product it doesn't do squat for areas that are not. Simple concept, really. Why not show with a car that manage to show the true potential of a product and against a gun that the actives are struggling with.
Look, guys can be critical of the test or my product, but the bottom line is for $90-$100 dollars you get a tremendous amount of value, this has been proven with G4. And if people aren't satisfied with it (for whatever reason), then they can stick with their $500-$1200+ systems and take their chances of IPTs. like the LIs or the 905s can do. In my mind, it's silly to be taking such an inexpensive product to task. But I suppose that's the nature of the Internet forums. There are always going to be critics of any CM. And I am not even talking about the potential of its effectiveness against IR photo enforcement, which is increased value too as it has nothing to do with jammers. On one vehicle if you buy multiple plates (like the invisi-shield) you are nearly at the price of Veil alone which has the potential to deal with two entire separate issues to protect against.
Trying to argue or defend Veil to those guys is really a waste of my time. Either they like or believe in it or they don't and trying to continually convince them otherwise really is a grand waste of my time. As someone already said online, Veil could actually be priced higher and still offer great value for the money.
Last edited by Veil Guy; 11-17-2014 at 10:17 AM.
ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.
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Lightness my friend.
User can paint more if necessary for more performance.
Absolutely. But there quickly comes a point of diminishing returns. Very quickly. So more doesn't result in practical improvements in performance. The exception to that is direct plate application where two or three coats may be needed to really protect a highly reflective diamond cut membrane type plate. You may get away with only one or two coats on a plate cover, but when directly applied to a plate, at least two coats appear to be necessary on those types of plates.
Last edited by Veil Guy; 11-18-2014 at 06:07 AM.
ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.
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Experience real-world encounters as they actually happened on the open road, from the pioneer of this bonafide real-world testing format. Visit Veil Guy's radar detector videos.
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I believe in Veil... It's like a religion now lol
Last edited by oddpedestrian; 11-17-2014 at 05:41 PM.
Last edited by Veil Guy; 11-17-2014 at 07:14 PM.
ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.
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