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Thread: V1 "no sound"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default V1 "no sound"

    Greetings All,

    I probably could have posted this in a more appropriate topic but, here goes;

    I have a V1 as pictured....It lights up as manual says when booting and will alert to radar, etc....HOWEVER, there is NO SOUND, not even when booting up (so-to-speak).

    The control/volume knob and adjustment behind it is "all the way up" and still no sound....Without radar present, there is no way I am aware of that I could be sure that "mute" is not engaged without an existing signal to trigger unit.

    What is procedure to "UN-MUTE" this V1 AND, what is the SPECIFIC difference between "logic and advance logic" ?

    Thanks in advance.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Re: V1 "no sound"

    .....NOBODY "EH?..........Hummmnnnn.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: V1 "no sound"

    Logic mode reports weak X and K detections at a reduced volume level.
    Advanced login mode mutes those detections completely.

    You may want to have the unit looked at. Once an alert is muted, I don't believe you can unmute with a press of a button.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Re: V1 "no sound"

    Thanks for the reply -

    However, I should at least hear the "boot" sounds when booting up - I don't even hear those!...
    If I put my ear to the unit, I can hear the sounds but, otherwise nothing...

    I have sent the people at Valentine 5-6 messages for assistance and have not heard a xxx-damned word from them, NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER!.....So much for their customer asistance because it doesn't exist!

    The unit has unusual screws holding the case on - How the "xxxx" do you get those screws out?....With what?...Using what??

  5. #5
    Speed Demon
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey

    Default Re: V1 "no sound"

    DId you ever get this resolved? For some reason I can't view your image nor can I send you a PM after being a member here since 2005. Have you tried using the V1 app to adjust the sound that way?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Re: V1 "no sound"

    Nope!....The non-existant V1 customer service has never responded to any of my many multiple e-mails...

    I will not be buying anything from them again...Money over Customer Service.....

    I have to now figure out as to how to remove the screws on the case to gain access.....It appears that the piece that emits the sound is loose or cracked - possibly from a fall from the window.

    Forget "apps", I do not have a cell phone nor do I want one...I got rid of mine a few years back due to 12-15 calls per day from spammers and telemarketers.

  7. #7
    Speed Demon
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey

    Default Re: V1 "no sound"

    so you never called them?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Re: V1 "no sound"


    I never stated anywhere that I did...
    If they have no customer service on the net (which they have already proved that they don't) via e-mail, I certainly will not waste my time calling them.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Re: V1 "no sound"

    A year has gone by and still NO RESPONSES FROM V1 PEOPLE!....

    That being fact and said,
    1)...Does anyone know how (what tool) to open the case?...
    2)...Does anyone know of where I can get a "speaker" for the V1 GEN 1 detector? (maybe have part numbers, etc).
    3)...Does anyone have a working "speaker" to part with?

    Thanks fr any responses.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Re: V1 "no sound"


    The V1 people, after a year, finally responded to my inquiry e-mail!...Quick, someone hand me a Valium!

    HOWEVER, the news is bad much like their customer service....They want me to send my unit in for repair and, for a repair I can do myself....I apparently didn't realize that the company was faltering as bad as it is/was......They believe that the speaker is shot as I thought it would be.

    1)...I asked them what tool opens the case up but, I believe that it was an over-sight on their part not to supply an answer...

    2)...I also just sent an e-mail out to them to get either a part number or something "compatible" that I could put in it's place...(how much ya wanna bet I don't get an answer OR that same response I just received?...

    ANYONE have any idea as to how much voltage goes to this speaker (or should I say rating?).



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