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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSalad View Post
    The following is the exact conversation that went on:

    mom: YOU WENT 97 MILES PER HOUR?!?!
    me: well...yea. I had a really good rabbit. I can't just not follow someone going that fast. It's against my nature.
    mom: It's that **** radar website that is telling you about all this rabbit and radar detector bull**** isn't it!?
    me: that might have something to do with it...

    After that the conversation basically ended. I will edit this post for an update on the way back.

    Hi dude,

    If I was 20 years younger and if my mom was still alive, then I swear that my mom's responses basically would have been the same as your mom's responses if existed back then. Let me put it another mom wasn't exactly thrilled when I told her that I got two speeding tickets in 1 week when I first started college!

    Anyway, it sounds like you have a really cool mom who absolutely and totally cares about you. In my experience, parents are either really good parents or are totally $h!t parents. There rarely is any middle ground. Sounds like you have some really good parents! Hey, maybe get your mom on here so she can chat with some of the gang here! Cool moms, like my mom who was the best mom I could have ever prayed for (me, being adopted), are angels. I bet your mom is an angel too.

    Still, I strongly suggest saving your driving record and points. Keep it around +10 of the PSL or your car insurance will go through the roof, making your mom extremely unhappy!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSalad View Post
    Well you have probably driven up there a lot more times than me so you have a better understanding but the last two times I came out I saw about 6 - 7 LEO's posted up shooting radar. So the whole round trip I saw about 12. The two times I went there was a big football game so that might be why. The other time was just a random week.

    on the wya out to orientation i passed out about an hour out of dallas and briefly woke up to my dad doing 90. i just kind of fell back asleep. i really havent gotten much use out of my pro78 or my xtr140 i guess thats a good thing tho?



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