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Thread: Any PA updates?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Any PA updates?

    So im here for school now, Central PA that is.

    I got my first taste of instant on K band, while driving on I-80W. and that gave me a heart attack. I had my cruise at ~78, I hit my brakes as soon as i saw him, and at the same time he got me. Luckily nothing happened.

    I remember reading that PA local cops cant use Radar or Lidar a while ago, is that still true? and does that go for campus police? I havent seen any squad car with radar mounted.

    When driving around my campus i get no action on the X50, except walmart doors.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Morristown, Arizona, United States

    Default PA

    By state law, only the PA state police can use radar

    The city/town cops use VASCAR

    VASCAR: a computer that calculates your average speed from one point to another. An officer can also use a stop watch. The painted lines in the highway are often a good indicator that this enforcement practice is used in the area, but the officers often use other devices to measure distance. An officer can measure a guard rail from point A to point B then program this distance into his VASCAR system. An officer can also pace you with VASCAR. As you pass two points he enters them into his system. Then the computer calculates your average speed.[/list]
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    thanks radarroy,

    if someone was to be caught by vascar, is it possible to fight it? and what is the likely hood of winning since it is down to your words vs the LEO's timing?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005


    it is possible to fight it. it all depends on the distance the cop actually timed you on. If the distance is 100 feet and you were clocked going 80, you can fight that because the cop could have screwed up the timer and pressed 1 second earlier. this would result in like a 5 mph lowered speed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Morristown, Arizona, United States

    Default Fight It

    if someone was to be caught by vascar, is it possible to fight it?
    Best person to ask is the Veil Guy
    He recently beat a Spectre ticket in PA
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Fight It

    Quote Originally Posted by RadarRoy
    if someone was to be caught by vascar, is it possible to fight it?
    Best person to ask is the Veil Guy
    He recently beat a Spectre ticket in PA
    Vascar I believe is the term you were searching for....

    Roy i am gald to see spectre is on your mind

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  7. #7
    Radar Fanatic
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    i got hit with that instant on K band in PA, and yes it does scare the crap outta ya. I got hit coming off of I-380 and switching onto I-81N by 3 pa and 2 nys troopers (1-81n crosses both states) within half an hour. the first pa trooper was constant-on but a couple curves later was another leo instant-on. in some of the areas around there, u might as well slow down to safe speeds at every blind corner there is. pa and ny state troopers are up late doing their jobs around those parts of town so be careful. :wink:

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Late Night

    Vascar I believe is the term you were searching for....
    I should know better then post after my bedtime!
    Motorcycle Mounts and Accessories
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  9. #9


    I live in PA myself and I have yet to run into a non-trooper that was using radar. It surprised me when I first got my x50 to see that the local cops don't doublecheck their vascar with radar.

    I went by an unmarked local on the side of the road at 110 the other night and he didn't even put into gear...

    short answer: no new news on the lifting of the radar ban.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by acemcmac
    I live in PA myself and I have yet to run into a non-trooper that was using radar. It surprised me when I first got my x50 to see that the local cops don't doublecheck their vascar with radar.

    I went by an unmarked local on the side of the road at 110 the other night and he didn't even put into gear...

    short answer: no new news on the lifting of the radar ban.
    Local cops do not have Radar units...Only state troopers have radar and they hardly ever use radar

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    Radar Detectors-V1 & BEL v995
    Laser Jammer-Laser Interceptor Quad
    GPS Camera Locator-Cheetah C100
    GPS Nav-Garmin nuvi w/Trapster
    CB Radio-Galaxy DX-949 w/Wilson 500
    Scanner-RS Pro-96



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