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Thread: Sema 2014

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Bozeman, MT

    Default Sema 2014

    The day is now getting started in Vegas.

    Will be stopping by to visit Beltronics, Escort, and Whistler Others. I'll check in later.

    Last edited by Veil Guy; 11-07-2014 at 11:23 AM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in the back of Your Mind

    Default Re: Sema 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    The day is now getting started in Vegas.

    Will be stopping by to visit Beltronics, Escort, and Whistler Others. I'll check in later.

    Photos or you'll have to BAN yourself...................................

    Get photos of NOLimits and also ChrisLorl as well...............................

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: Sema 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by PointerCone View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    The day is now getting started in Vegas.

    Will be stopping by to visit Beltronics, Escort, and Whistler Others. I'll check in later.

    Photos or you'll have to BAN yourself...................................

    Get photos of NOLimits and also ChrisLorl as well...............................
    Ha! I've done that already!

    I have a bunch of videos which I have to go through before postings. Some PICs of some cars and of Escort's Max case options which I'll get to.

    Chris and I had a limited amount of time to do general browsing and walking in but we came across a couple of interesting booths. We barely barely scratched the surface. Next year perhaps we can commit more time to the show in general.

    A number of observations, however, are in order:

    First, as many of the more seasoned members here known that Escort and Bel have appeared to be in a state of flux much of the year, after visiting with them at their booth, I can say that I actually did not get that sense at all. The new Passport and Max2 were being highlighted as we would expect.

    But what was especially pleasant to see was Beltronics branding going on too!

    In fact, some of the signage read Beltronics followed by the Escort name!

    This suggests to me that there is indeed hope for the Beltronics brand in the future.

    While "BEL" is more today than ever a "brand"' name differentiation more than anything else, I am hoping with some product consolidation and simplification on Escort's side of the house (elimination of the SmartRadar and now the iQ from their lineup), perhaps we can expect to see something new from Beltronics at some point. This is purely speculation and hope for a brand that I (and others) have loved for a long time. Call me nostalgic.

    What was the surprise to me was that Cobra did not have a presence at SEMA this year as I would have expected. Perhaps the recent acquisition of Cobra by MCP means it's Cobra's turn to be in "flux" as things get sorted out on their side. Next year's SEMA or the upcoming CES show will tell the tale there in time.

    In any event, it's going to be a fascinating dynamic to watch. I would have never expected to think of Cobra in the same sentence as either Beltronics or Escort, but now that we must, it's interesting to recognize that the MCP group has invested in acquiring a large slice of the RD market and demographic with products ranging from sub-100 dollar level to north of $1000.

    Outside of these three, of course my favorite RD mfr was there as well! It was great meeting up with Mike Batten who was looking good. I hadn't seen Mike for a good four years so it was great seeing him. Mike says "hi" to everyone here. We talked a little about the new and better RDnet and Mike assured me that he would love to re-engage as a mfr/support here at RDnet as he once did. He's got a lot of food on his plate, but he'll be checking in when things settle down after the show.

    Whistler had a very dynamic and rich booth with a host of very very interesting new products. In fact there we so many, I've got nearly 20 minutes of video detailing them. It's going to take some time to assemble them and get them online but I'll be doing that sometime after Veil's webinar on the 12th. Expect sometime the following week.

    We weren't aware of a Stinger precense at SEMA and this is something that very much surprised me as I had been hoping to be able to shed some light, on that company's new product, to my readership base, some of whom have been inquiring.

    SEMA would have been the perfect place to showcase some fresh technology into this industry, especially with MCP now in the mix. I've been personally very excited about the potential of their new technology that has created somewhat of a buzz online and if this product lives up the early hopes, we would love to assist in spreading the word, educate the greater marketplace, and facilitate a SUCCESSful presence in the US market.

    Between myself, Roy, and this forum, that's A LOT of reach and it's high time to get some new blood into this industry and Stinger appears to have the goods. I use the word appears because without actually testing, I can't personally confirm as yet. Perhaps the European office of Stinger should consider this.

    Outside of the cyberspace sphere, SEMA would have been a perfect place to network with the retailers/installers of these "high-end" and ultra-premium priced models which require quality professional installation and not having a formal precense there may have been (another) missed opportunity for them.

    Perhaps next year we will be able to write about their SEMA 2015 show and even what it was like to live with one long-term in the real-world. (Hint, hint)

    To wrap up with some levity, Chris nor I could find RMR at the show this year. Perhaps they've run out of "wood" to pack.

    Well that's about it for now!

    Last edited by Veil Guy; 11-08-2014 at 10:17 AM.
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

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