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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    DAB area of Florida

    Default I really miss Roy.

    I miss the Cock and Bull talks, when not busy. Just the other day, I had another stupid question and almost called him. I understand from Escort, daughter is running his business. Does anyone know it all? I looked when he died...Did he have a memorial, etc? Not being a nosy mortician, I just miss him. Got all of my detectors over the years from him and with all due respect to Escort, I am a lil disappointed in them and their only comment, after his death. When he was alive, it seemed, they cared about him. After death, WHO CARES attitude...Maybe it is just me.

    Be well,

    Marty Flagg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: I really miss Roy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marty View Post
    I miss the Cock and Bull talks, when not busy. Just the other day, I had another stupid question and almost called him. I understand from Escort, daughter is running his business. Does anyone know it all? I looked when he died...Did he have a memorial, etc? Not being a nosy mortician, I just miss him. Got all of my detectors over the years from him and with all due respect to Escort, I am a lil disappointed in them and their only comment, after his death. When he was alive, it seemed, they cared about him. After death, WHO CARES attitude...Maybe it is just me.

    Be well,

    Marty Flagg
    Actually his wife is running the show and they have excellent technical and sales support. While Roy was the outward "face" of the business, the support and operational staff is still very much there.

    With respect to Escort, ALL dealers are in need of love and attention as they have been focusing on Big Box stores of late and not dedicated RD dealers like RadarBusters. It's a sad state of affairs and something that weighed VERY heavily on Roy.
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

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    Experience real-world encounters as they actually happened on the open road, from the pioneer of this bonafide real-world testing format. Visit Veil Guy's radar detector videos.

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  3. #3
    Radar Fanatic
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Staffordshire, Uk

    Default Re: I really miss Roy.

    Greetings, it's been years since on here, i fell out of rd hobby, but i'm currently getting back into it, and i just found out about roy's passing as i was watching youtube a saw a comment.

    I'm saddened by his passing, i wish everyone well.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    DAB area of Florida

    Default Re: I really miss Roy.

    Veil Guy .Sorry so late in replying--I have moved to Florida. Also sorry to hear about Escort. I called with a simple question a few months .the gal that answered...had no idea what I was asking about. BIG BOX is killing many. I will deal with Busters...thanks for the help. May I ask? It seems UNIDEN has blown up HUGE...thoughts? I hope you are also doing well as can be, my friend. -MartyTheMortician

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: I really miss Roy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marty View Post
    Veil Guy .Sorry so late in replying--I have moved to Florida. Also sorry to hear about Escort. I called with a simple question a few months .the gal that answered...had no idea what I was asking about. BIG BOX is killing many. I will deal with Busters...thanks for the help. May I ask? It seems UNIDEN has blown up HUGE...thoughts? I hope you are also doing well as can be, my friend. -MartyTheMortician
    Good to hear from you. Hope you are managing well in the aftermath of the storm.

    Uniden has taken off like a bottle-rocket. Easily eclipsing other detectors and for good reason. The new Uniden R3 really is sensational.
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

    Stay informed with the latest industry news and product reviews Veil Guy's Radar Detector Reviews.

    Experience real-world encounters as they actually happened on the open road, from the pioneer of this bonafide real-world testing format. Visit Veil Guy's radar detector videos.

    Socialize with the Veil Guy: Google+, Facebook

  6. #6

    Default Re: I really miss Roy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Marty View Post
    Veil Guy .Sorry so late in replying--I have moved to Florida. Also sorry to hear about Escort. I called with a simple question a few months .the gal that answered...had no idea what I was asking about. BIG BOX is killing many. I will deal with Busters...thanks for the help. May I ask? It seems UNIDEN has blown up HUGE...thoughts? I hope you are also doing well as can be, my friend. -MartyTheMortician
    Good to hear from you. Hope you are managing well in the aftermath of the storm.

    Uniden has taken off like a bottle-rocket. Easily eclipsing other detectors and for good reason. The new Uniden R3 really is sensational.
    is the R3 better performance-wise than the Valentine 1???i know it doesn't have arrows, but other than that , how does it do on sensitivity, range and off-axis??
    Last edited by ZoomNBye; 09-20-2017 at 08:14 AM.



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