I spent this past Sunday over the Memorial Day holiday weekend testing a late version of the Radenso Pro SE. I took my usual route which takes me through four states, including PA, Jersey, Delaware, and finishing in Maryland.
There is a stretch of route 50 just north of Easton and south of Centreville where enforcement is heavy. Sure enough, WAZE indicated a lot of police enforcement. Both the Radenso and the STiR alerted to 35.5ghz Ka and then the STiR alerted to laser briefly. Clearly my speed was obtained nearly instantaneously and the initial targeting range was about 1500 or so feet. I had no Veil on my vehicle and all of the laser jammers had been off.
As I passed the cruiser, I looked at what he was using and lo and behold, the gun he was using was a Dragon Eye Speed Laser.
So if any of you travel to Ocean City and travel that corridor, be aware, the Dragon Eye is being used by the MD State Police.