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  1. #1

    Default Using a phone line

    Is it safe to use a phone line to connect the v1 instead of the power cord??

  2. #2
    Good Citizen
    Join Date
    May 2005


    I am using a long phone cord to help as sort of a hardwire. I am running a 10' line from the V1 around the truck molding and into the cigarette lighter adapter....runs fine, is this a bad thing?

  3. #3
    Radar Fanatic
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    East Bay Ca


    Safe but I don't remember which way a phone line has it's pins.
    I have a crimper and cut my own cord length.
    If I lay a cord down flat I have both pins up or both down, not one up and one down.
    If you do it wrong you will just blow a fuse.

  4. #4

    Default sooo....

    Quote Originally Posted by V1 Dave
    Safe but I don't remember which way a phone line has it's pins.
    I have a crimper and cut my own cord length.
    If I lay a cord down flat I have both pins up or both down, not one up and one down.
    If you do it wrong you will just blow a fuse.
    so can i just use a regualr phone line and just replace the cord thingy instead? what do you mean by the phone lines pins?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Using a phone line

    Quote Originally Posted by stalkervision
    Quote Originally Posted by potter11
    Is it safe to use a phone line to connect the v1 instead of the power cord?? use to be but you had better check it out a little more... :?

    I hope your not talking about the cord that goes into the Cig. lighter thou!!! :shock: NO NO NO!
    no, iam talking about the line that connects the cig lighter to the v1....and if i can replace that line with a phone line

  6. #6
    Lead Foot
    Join Date
    May 2005


    I just bought an Extention cord @ Walmart and did use it to plug my
    RX-65 Works fine.. all alert Mute button Light work well on the remote

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Fort Rucker, Alabama


    I used a generic phone line to hardwire my V1. Red is the common ground, and green is hot. I put a fuse in the line as well.

    It works like a champ.

  8. #8
    Radar Fanatic
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    East Bay Ca

    Default Re: sooo....

    Quote Originally Posted by potter11
    Quote Originally Posted by V1 Dave
    Safe but I don't remember which way a phone line has it's pins.
    I have a crimper and cut my own cord length.
    If I lay a cord down flat I have both pins up or both down, not one up and one down.
    If you do it wrong you will just blow a fuse.
    so can i just use a regualr phone line and just replace the cord thingy instead? what do you mean by the phone lines pins?
    Lock pin clip both facing up or both facing down,
    or I think you blow up.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Lufkin, TX


    Remember to use the 2-line phone cords with 4-wires. Some of them only have 2 (for 1 line). If you only need power, you can get by with the 1-line phone cords. If you use a remote display or remote audio, you'll need to make sure you have the 2-line phone cords.

  10. #10
    Lead Foot
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    May 2005

    Default Re: Using a phone line

    Quote Originally Posted by potter11
    Is it safe to use a phone line to connect the v1 instead of the power cord??
    Yes you can connect a RJ-11 phone cord between the lighter adapter and the V1 to power it. Back in 1992 when the V1 first came out I remember speaking with one of the VR staff and they said one of the reasons the RJ-11 was used was so that if you broke a conductor in your cord while on the road you can just stop in any store for a phone cord.



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