Is it safe to use a phone line to connect the v1 instead of the power cord??
Is it safe to use a phone line to connect the v1 instead of the power cord??
I am using a long phone cord to help as sort of a hardwire. I am running a 10' line from the V1 around the truck molding and into the cigarette lighter adapter....runs fine, is this a bad thing?
Safe but I don't remember which way a phone line has it's pins.
I have a crimper and cut my own cord length.
If I lay a cord down flat I have both pins up or both down, not one up and one down.
If you do it wrong you will just blow a fuse.
so can i just use a regualr phone line and just replace the cord thingy instead? what do you mean by the phone lines pins?Originally Posted by V1 Dave
no, iam talking about the line that connects the cig lighter to the v1....and if i can replace that line with a phone lineOriginally Posted by stalkervision
I just bought an Extention cord @ Walmart and did use it to plug my
RX-65 Works fine.. all alert Mute button Light work well on the remote
I used a generic phone line to hardwire my V1. Red is the common ground, and green is hot. I put a fuse in the line as well.
It works like a champ.
Lock pin clip both facing up or both facing down,Originally Posted by potter11
or I think you blow up.
Remember to use the 2-line phone cords with 4-wires. Some of them only have 2 (for 1 line). If you only need power, you can get by with the 1-line phone cords. If you use a remote display or remote audio, you'll need to make sure you have the 2-line phone cords.
Yes you can connect a RJ-11 phone cord between the lighter adapter and the V1 to power it. Back in 1992 when the V1 first came out I remember speaking with one of the VR staff and they said one of the reasons the RJ-11 was used was so that if you broke a conductor in your cord while on the road you can just stop in any store for a phone cord.Originally Posted by potter11