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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Wellington NZ

    Default Bel Express 795 vulnerablity

    Bought a cheap and cheerful Bel Express 795 as read a review rating it as best sub no frills $99 detector..not that that means much?!! Got a laser ticket down here in New Zealand doing 124 kph and then discovered it gives no pretection from laser..more the fool me. Okay, risk streaky headlights and some protection from Laser Veil on wing and prayer?
    But now, to my concern, I passed one of our infamous stationery speed camera vans and it gave no warning whatsover. I assume the van was primed to do its usual evil job?I don't know what rays or frequency was the issue, but it seems to = diddle squat protection. Fortunately I wasn't doing 140 kph at the time. Mind you, its fantastic at picking up every security system ever installed and goes bursurk in mall carparks!
    Does the saying "buy cheaply buy twice" apply? If I am to spend the big bucks, I would need to know I was getting 100% protection, as I am not keen to "experiment" and lose money and demerit points. I only have so many lives.
    Any comments much appreciated and good luck from Down Under !!

  2. #2
    Lead Foot
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Even the big three (or I guess it's 4 now with the STi) will have a hard time with the cameras. This is because they are at such a large angle, and also normally mounted facing down towards the road as well. This means there is less relfection coming off the cars in front of you that would actually come in your direction. The 795 is not going to do anything but let you know that you're in the line of the camera (I know I had one). If you want a chance of picking up these then look into other detectors... not just the big three, there are others that do well for the cameras - do a search on this board to find more info.

    Now in terms of laser. Almost all of the radar detectors will provide limited laser detection. For the most part they will just tell you that you are being hit by laser (unless you have veil + laser sheild, which might help a little depending on your car). If you need laser protection then look into getting a jammer.

  3. #3
    Power User
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    Aug 2005
    South Florida


    Nothing is 100%, especially against low powered photo cameras, and as far as laser, even with the best V1 you can still be vulnerable and can not out brake the officers equipment, once your targeted its over before your alert goes off, end of story. But for you environment, the 795 is not ment for you. Even the best detectors give only minimal warning to multinovas, a cheap detector will not do squat. So when you buy again, keep in mind the limitations of even the best detectors out there. As far as laser you can use products like Veil to possible give you a chance of out braking laser but that is still dependent upon you getting a alert and having the distance to react and slow before the officer gets your speed.

  4. #4
    Speed Demon
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Wellington, New Zealand


    x2 with the "nothing is 100%" comment.

    I'm down in NZ too and the good news is that we don't have X and K band in use by the police. X and K are the bands that are giving you the false alarms. The bad news is that your detector probably can't switch off these bands. The more expensive RD's have the ability to switch bands on and off.

    Multanova's are tough but the best detectors will usually give you somewhere between plenty and just enough warning. You have to play your part too by keeping your eyes peeled and brain engaged.

    For laser... passive countermeasures like Veil/lasershield give your RD some chance to keep you safe. If it alerts to laser that is :?

    The entry level to the top detectors is something like a Beltronics RX65 or an Escort 8500 X50 with the red display. Check out Roy's site and be cautious about buying off a non reputable dealer (ebay trademe)

    PM if you want any local recs.

    Good luck, Chris.

  5. #5
    Old Timer
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Wellington NZ

    Default Thanks

    Thanks very much much for feedback. Much appreciated. It sounds like in the meantime I'll have to rely on what I used to prior to any detector..animal cunning and,er,good luck.
    You are right that I got warned just as the laser was hitting me. Hell, I felt like King Kong for a few sweet weeks travelling at speed just prior to that!!!
    Good luck!! 8)



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