I was not getting hits on FHP instant on ka band with the older 995(2005 model platform) and thought maybe pop but not until recently after getting the rx-65 used in USA mode did I finally pick up on 100% of ka hits with this feature. I had the sti bel from 2003 before the 995v came out and this unit had same feature called "accusweep" and loved it. I didnt realize how much faster to instant on ka bands until I saw the you tube video and thus realized my 995 just wasnt getting the instant on alerts from FHP and just last week bought the rx-65 which has the USA mode or "accusweep" built in along with some other cool features my 995 didnt have like threat display. Coupled with my lp-905(now with the zr4 shifter on order) which cut down all laser attacks here in south florida using mainly prolaser3 on moto cops, everytime I got hit with laser(knock wood) they just watched their guns as I passed by hitting mute so they can get areading once slowed down. I am so pleased with the new rx-65 with respect to falsing or lack thereof, as well as threat display...so cool and to add to this my soon to be zr4 shifter will replace my 7 year old lp-905 which still works just fine, but thought time to buy a newer upgraded system and cops here use mainly prolaser, or ultralyte guns which the lp-905 or the zr4 shifter has any problem with. I know oppinions vary, but from my 7 plus years of active jamming police laser with no tickets, I know this unit works very well for me in Florida.
The chances of hitting a out of tune police radar are not very good and most police have to have them tuned regularly so the great advantages of usa mode outway the chance of running into an out of tune police radar in my opinion in florida.
my bel 995 missed so many times on ka and all because of the instant quick on ka band used by fhp. my rx-65 solved this and even giving me the 80$ rebate on sending my old 995 back to bel bringing my total to $219 for a new rx-65 with new firmware, etc.
someday I want the new gps rx-65 or the passport but will wait till i have more money and my new car to put on the zr4 shifter and veil for added protection. Been using bel since 1989 and never have let me down.