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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    I'm in South Jacksonville, FL area and 90% of time I'm getting false alarms in K band 24.1-24.2 Ghz. I mean I have to push the mute button every minute!
    Do we have any new road devices or car equipment out there working in 24.1-24.2 band and causing heavy interference?
    Radar detector is set into Highway mode since it's much more sensitive.
    Ka band has no false alarms.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    Quote Originally Posted by toshik View Post
    I'm in South Jacksonville, FL area and 90% of time I'm getting false alarms in K band 24.1-24.2 Ghz. I mean I have to push the mute button every minute!
    Do we have any new road devices or car equipment out there working in 24.1-24.2 band and causing heavy interference?
    Radar detector is set into Highway mode since it's much more sensitive.
    Ka band has no false alarms.
    If you have an older radar detector, you are probably picking up K-band radar collision avoidance systems. These falses can occur when you are on the highway with a bunch of other cars.

    If your detector has TSR, then you can turn that on which can help a little bit, but Acura and Honda and GM cars still can wreak havoc.

    What detector do you have?
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  3. #3
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    Jan 2009

    Default Re: Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    Thanks, as I noted in my first post it's Escort Passport 2-3 years old. Yes I have TSR function in the menu disabled and will turn it on :-)
    Last edited by toshik; 06-01-2017 at 06:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Good Citizen
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    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    My older 9500ix has the same problem it sure would be nice if Escort could program my unit to work correct but no I’m going to have to buy another detector I have been thinking of the Uniden R7 or Escort Max 360c but it cost more than the Uniden.

  5. #5
    Speed Demon
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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    Quote Originally Posted by gmctrucks View Post
    My older 9500ix has the same problem it sure would be nice if Escort could program my unit to work correct but no I’m going to have to buy another detector I have been thinking of the Uniden R7 or Escort Max 360c but it cost more than the Uniden.
    As stated in your 9500ix Thread, you're outta luck. None of the older Legacy RDs can eliminate the pollution of BSM or ACC radar systems built into modern vehicles today. There is a newer start-up company that has solved the problem however. They are presently close to finishing the development in their Lab & production should happen sometime in 2020. For now you'll just have to put up w/ the aggravation of false alerts until it is released for sale next year.

  6. #6
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    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    ...And a good number of new products don't do a good job either, or if they do become blind to sources such as MRCT (also a freq mod'd source).

    While the claim of Radenso is intriguing, I'm going to hold an opinion until it is proven that (RAI) works in the field without compromising detection performance to both genuine FM and FMCW radar sources.

    We already saw wild claims from Escort with their full digital platform first appearing in the original Max and even today, while they do a great job of filtering out BSM systems, they can not do both filtering out AND alerting to genuine FMCW sources like Gatso and MultaRadar. The R7 does a much better job at this.

    It really would be revolutionary if Radenso nailed it. I believe it is technically possible, but no one manufacturer (perhaps up until now) have invested the research really needed to distinguish the subtle differences in modulating techniques.

    Hoping for the best come next Feb.
    Last edited by Veil Guy; 11-13-2019 at 05:45 PM.
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

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    Experience real-world encounters as they actually happened on the open road, from the pioneer of this bonafide real-world testing format. Visit Veil Guy's radar detector videos.

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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    I'm sad we're paying loads to remove ghosts from detection when we're chasing po signals. I'm never sure what Veil thinks, but I think the road ahead is paved with more "noise filtering" since there be radiation all over the place and will be more background noise in the presence of the real targets, po darz.

    If I'm right, get ready to get your wallets out.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    The 24.1 K freq band area is door openers. There is nothing one can do except do a GPS lock out. Heck, in Orlando, I just turned off my RD in urban areas due to continued constant door openers at stores, to much traffic to get singled out instead turning off K band.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    Correction: Where door opener signals are to strong, city mode does not work. Otherwise, use city mode for some weak signal relief.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Escort Redline 90% false alarms in K band

    It's interesting that some detectors filter better on doors than others. All my Unie's largly ignore them in city mode unless I'm sitting in the lot pointed at the door. At times I can't tell if they are even on and working they block so well. Our leo's sit at these spots knowing damn well we GPS em' out. I just don't speed that much in town to care about it.




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