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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bozeman, MT

    Default Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name

    As Arizona continues is rapid roll-out of more speed cameras statewide, I felt compelled to write this:

    Speed Camera Campaigns Promote Economic Fascism, Not Safety

    As a voting taxpayer, don't sit this one out...

    Veil Guy
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

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  2. #2
    Radar Fanatic
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    Default Re: Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name

    Nice article, you successfully managed to get me pissed off at 9:03 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name


    Imagine how I felt at 3am!

    I hope you can channel that 'negative' energy into positive outcomes. Being in NJ which is also green lighting these systems, the time is NOW to actively take the fight to them.

    Please spread the word on other forums. Our ultimate success to challenge them will be achieved only in large numbers...

    Veil Guy
    Last edited by Veil Guy; 11-03-2008 at 08:59 AM.
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

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  4. #4
    Speed Demon
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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name

    Excellent write up VG!

    What's it take to put a measure on the ballot for the next election?

    Last edited by zr1; 11-04-2008 at 12:06 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name

    Thanks...I am really trying to get the word out and raise the awareness of the driving public before it's too late and these things are really entrenched.

    If you guys can spread the word (and links back to the article) on forums, that would certainly help.

    I honestly don't know all of the ins-and-outs of such a measure, but I have been communicating with a US congressman from my state (of PA) which is also using Philadelphia as a pilot test before expanding throughout our entire state with the help from Harrisburg.

    Shortly after the elections today, I will sit-down again and see if we can work on a process (which I can share).

    I also think the NMA (National Motorists Association) would be a group that is capable of bringing about positive changes. Are you a member?

    Veil Guy
    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

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    Experience real-world encounters as they actually happened on the open road, from the pioneer of this bonafide real-world testing format. Visit Veil Guy's radar detector videos.

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  6. #6
    Stealthed Like a B-2
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    Default Re: Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name

    I almost feel that this is like Britan-American Tax Era where they taxed us on stuff that had nothing to do with us, wars that they created and then taxed us for which we already had been paying taxes or had payed our taxes. This is just like Arizona, there using this technology to tax us really (taxes are dues by the citizens to repay the goverment for what they have done for us, just in the same that there using radar vans (tax bill) to pay for what they have not properly budgeted and using that tech to make money so they can pay back what they need to pay back or spend more on. Same concept).

    I feel its taxation without reprsentation honestly. There pretty much taxing us, we all know this is revenue generation. And honestly were not representing it, were not voting on this nor is there a reason for this. We've payed our taxes and this is unfair and is taking away our freedoms as individuals. I feel its infringing on our rights and our privacy. In britan I couldn't stand living there, you can't make on error or mess up at all there or you've got a ticket.

    Veil Guy I will do whatever I can possibly do to help you and anybody else out. Its not right, here nor in britan.

  7. #7
    Radar Fanatic
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    Default Re: Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name

    We need everyone in America to join a fight against this. Voting, and if voting doesn't work, brute force to take down every single one. Who's with me?

  8. #8
    Stealthed Like a B-2
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    South Eastern, VA

    Default Re: Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name

    Quote Originally Posted by Zapple View Post
    We need everyone in America to join a fight against this. Voting, and if voting doesn't work, brute force to take down every single one. Who's with me?
    Yeah thats the thing in britan, theres no way to stop it so they just destroy them.

    If its not for revenue generation as they say then lets see them do this. All of the fines paid go back to the taxpayers. So that way its just for saftey. I gaurantee that we wouldn't be seeing much of those around.

  9. #9
    Radar Fanatic
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    Default Re: Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name

    Quote Originally Posted by Zapple View Post
    We need everyone in America to join a fight against this. Voting, and if voting doesn't work, brute force to take down every single one. Who's with me?
    I'm down with that. They recently put a camera on a stop sign on one of my favorite canyon roads ... technically illegal, but they did it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Bozeman, MT

    Default Re: Speed Camera Campaigns: Fascism by Another Name



    Right now the PR/dis-information campaign is getting into full-swing in this country which is eyed by these foreign nationals as the next high growth market.

    Not allowing their influences to frame the discussion, I believe, is going to be a big help (ie; spreading the word).

    Ultimately this battle will be won on sheer numbers.

    Individual acts of vandalism, would probably have little impact, as they have created a response mechanism to such things.

    Fighting this battle in the political spectrum is where, I suspect, we'll have the greatest chances of success.

    I have some ideas to that end, that I will soon make public on

    Flushing these supporters out would be my preferred approach...

    Veil Guy

    ALERT: Purchase the latest Veil G5 Direct from the Manufacturer or from one of our Authorized Dealers at the Veil Store.

    Stay informed with the latest industry news and product reviews Veil Guy's Radar Detector Reviews.

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